so i'm going to try and post every day - right?
so far so good.
though it's only been 2 days...
perhaps i should cool off on the congratulations.
been musing over the concept of INSPIRATION.
i want to inspire...
both myself and my students
to venture beyond their self-imposed boundaries - really jump out of that box!
encouraging creativity... its a big task. so many people are afraid to take a travel outside of their comfort zone into the foreign waters of RISK (not the world domination game, though that'd be pretty awesome, too...).
it all comes down to FEAR.
fear of taking chances, of ridicule, of failure... it's safer to just remain fixed and stagnant.
why are we, as a society, so afraid? the most successful individuals ARE the risk-takers.
“Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions.
All life is an experiment.
The more experiments you make the better.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
so now, in addition to contemplating inspiration and creativity, i'm thinking about how to cultivate an atmosphere of safety in my classroom. where students aren't terrified of failure. i want to create a place where students aren't afraid to take that chance, that risk, that jump into the vast abyss we call the unknown...and become inspired to become creative in the unique way in which each student is ultimately capable.
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
― Helen Keller, The Open Door